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Progress and status of pilots and replications

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WP1: DEFINITION OF METHODOLOGIES - Finished - D.1.1, D1.2, D1.3, D1.4 delivered
> Task 1.1: Initial assessment of the buildings/places in terms of energy.
> Task 1.2: Definition of indicators for energy efficiency
> Task 1.3: Definition of the methodology for the energy efficiency measurement
> Task 1.4: Definition of the methodology for evaluating the impact
D1.1 Report of the energetic assessment and the total energy concept of the buildings/places where the pilots are to be implemented. (Month 6)
D1.2 Panel of indicators (Month 6)
D1.3 Specification of the methodology for the measurement and validation of the socioeconomic impact of the pilots. (Month 6)
D1.4 Definition of methodologies WP1 final report (Month 6)
WP2: DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND PILOT VALIDATION - D2.1, D2.2., D2.2, D2.3 delivered - D2.4, D2.5, D2.6
> Task 2.1 Design, Implementation and running of the pilots
> Task 2.2 Study of the data and design of the measures for the energy savings
> Task 2.3 Implementation of the measures- Automation of the systems
> Task 2.4 Assessment of the results of the individual pilots
> Task 2.5 User participation
D2.1: Design and specification of the pilots (Month 6)
D2.2: Demonstrators of Pilots B1, B2, L1, L2 (Month 12)

D2.3: Report on the Measures and collected data, and on the derived energy saving and energy efficiency measures to be taken. (Month 24)
D2.4 Assessment of the results on the individual pilots. (Month 36)
D2.5: Report on the user participation and acceptance of the pilots (Month 36)
D2.6: Design, implementation and pilot validation WP2 final report (Month 36)
WP3: PILOTS REPLICATION - D3.1, D3.2, D3.3 delivered - D3.4, D3.5, D3.6

> Task 3.1 Replication of the pilot B1 in pilots R1-1 and R1-2
> Task 3.2 Replication of the pilot B2 in R2
> Task 3.3 Assessment of the replication of the pilots
> Task 3.4 Elaboration of guidelines for the replication of the pilots

D3.1: Design and specification of the replicated pilots R1-1, R1-2 and R.2 (Month 20)
D3.2: Demonstrators of replicated pilots R1-1, R1-2 and R.2 (Month 24)
D3.3: Report on the Measures and collected data, and on the derived energy saving and energy efficiency measures to be taken in the replicated pilots. (Month 29)
D3.4 Assessment of the results on the individual replicated pilots. (Month 36)
D3.5 Guidelines and best practices for the replication of the pilots. (Month 36)
D3.6 Pilots replication WP3 final report (Month 36)

WP4: EVALUATION AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT - D4.3, D4.4, D4.5 delivered - D4.1, D4.2, D4.6

> Task 4.1: Conduct baseline and post-retrofit assessment in each pilot
> Task 4.2: Analysis of the collected data
> Task 4.3: Development of a research tool for the impact assessment

D 4.1: Guidelines and best practices for energy efficiency on public buildings and lighting systems (Month 39)
D 4.2: report on impact assessment and definition of relevant aspects with the partners (Month 39)

D 4.3: Questionnaire for each pilot building for baseline assessment (Month 22)
D 4.4: Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for post-retrofit assessment (Month 30)
D 4.5: Questionnaire and interview guideline for each pilot building for follow-up assessment (Month 24)
D 4.6: Evaluation and impact assessment WP4 final report (Month 39)

WP5: COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION - D5.1, D5.2, D5.3 delivered - D5.4, D5.5, D5.6, D5.1 y D5.3
> Task 5.1 Elaboration of a Project Web site.
> Task 5.2 Elaboration of the dissemination plan.
> Task 5.3 Elaboration of leaflets.
> Task 5.4 Attendance to European/International energy efficiency in buildings and lighting areas events
> Task 5.5 Publication of articles in magazines in energy efficiency, as well as ICT for energy efficiency
> Task 5.6 Preparation of a week marquee in San Sebastian
> Task 5.7 Preparation of a promotional video with all the information about the project. At Local Level by each city:
> Task 5.8 Publication of project information in the web site of each partner.
> Task 5.9 Publication of articles in local magazines and newspapers: at least 5 per city.
> Task 5.10 One press conference with the final project outputs per city.
> Task 5.11 Seminars with local stakeholders: policy makers, public organisations, public building owners,
companies, etc. at least 3 per city.
> Task 5.12 Giant screens in the public buildings and lighting area with information of energy savings, in order
to aware the citizens. Additionally the Service Providers will carry out the following tasks:
> Task 5.13 Attendance to fairs.
> Task 5.14 Workshops with possible clients: at least two during the project life by Service Provider
D5.1: Dissemination Plan (every six months updated) (Months 3, 9, 15, 21, 27, 33, 39)
D5.2: Project Web Site (Month 3)
D5.3 Leaflets and dissemination material with the project results (Months 12, 24, 39)

D5.4 Promotional video (Month 39)
D5.5 Articles
D5.6 Communication and dissemination WP5 final report (Month 39)